Do I Need Mold Testing?

Anytime you suspect you might have mold, it’s always worth testing for. Ordering a mold inspection for your Grand Prairie , TX, home is one of the simplest and most effective ways to ensure your family is safe and healthy.

Areas like bathrooms, kitchens, and other parts of your home where water flows are the likeliest to build up mold and mildew. Mold mitigation is much easier when you find the problem early. Even if you don’t suspect mold, having Protean Services perform occasion testing is a great proactive safety measure.

What is the Difference Between the Removal of Mold and the Remediation of Mold?

Mold removal simply removes the mold from the surface that it is on. Mold remediation, on the other hand, removes both the mold and the surface that the mold is on.

Removal is a simpler and less involved process for problems caught earlier on. It allows us to remove the mold without having to damage the surface it’s on.

When you get into mold remediation, your problems require mold damage removal. Surfaces like drywall and carpet are very difficult to clean mold from, so oftentimes, we have to remove them entirely.

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